Munich 26–27 Nov 2025



FaMe® is a worldwide leading company for Smart building, Smart home and Smart cities operation solutions. Smart Cities operations start with every particular Smart Building and Smart Home automation.

FaMe® integrates several international building operation standards (BMS) protocols in one supervisor solution. The central FaMe® database contains all necessary information to operate the buildings and infrastructure of a city sustainable, energy efficient with minimal pollution and high environment protection.

All these factors can be managed and optimized with the A.I (artificial intelligence) functions of the FaMe® solution. With the online interfaces the FaMe® system can manage the sensors and actors of the building online on demand. FaMe® solution not only saves energy and protect the environment, the solution increases also the life quality and comfort of the city citizen with automatically Building operations. FaMe® delivers additional to the software solution, also the information management concept to handle huge smart cities.