Munich 26–27 Nov 2025

IP500 Benchmark test in real environments (in-door, out-door and robustness)

The performance of a wireless network for commercial and industrial objects is extremely critical for planners, systems integrators as well as for installers and finally and most important “the end-user”. Independent benchmark tests have proven the outstanding performance of the IP500 IoT wireless network in rang tests (in- and out-door) as well as robustness tests.  These tests have demonstrated and proven the capabilities of the IP500 wireless network to be used as wireless IoT platform / infrastructure for all applications in commercial building and industrial facilities.

As a result, the IP500 Standard is the only wireless IoT platform which is approved by VdS (Germany, Europe) for security applications for commercial buildings and industrial facilities.

At the last Wireless Congress 2020 we have presented the performance and robustness of IP500 wireless IoT Network / standard.

You can download the presentation as following: