Munich 26–27 Nov 2025

GS1 in construction

GS1 in construction

The way in which we gather and manage construction product data today is inefficient. The adoption of standardised information management processes will not only streamline the relationships between supply chain stakeholders, it will also provide the means to unlock the high economic value of data.

These stakeholders currently often work with different versions of reality in their own information silos making it very difficult to share data and automate time-consuming processes. Choosing a data strategy based on commonly agreed international standards is the most efficient, if not the only way to achieve future-proof, machine-readable product information : first within the supply chain and later during the material’s and asset’s entire life-cycle.

The ongoing efforts of the DSCiBE work group (Digital Supply Chain in Built Environment) addresses this challenge and provides guidance to the industry.


Speaker: Enzo Blonk, Director Industry Engagement Technical Industries GS1

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