Munich 26–27 Nov 2025

Secure & robust IoT networks

Secure & robust IoT networks

The digitalization of smart commercial building and industrial facilities require a secure and robust wireless network standard for all IoT applications under one IoT wireless infrastructure. Planers, architects, system integrators as well as construction companies have been challenged by many niche wireless IoT standards (many for SmartHome applications or products like ZigBee, CHIP / Thread, Z-Wave, enocean or BLE) or proprietary solutions. However, for decades they were waiting for a fully interoperable wireless IoT Standard, which is able to combine comfort and security sensing solutions under the same wireless IoT infrastructure (for smart sensors and actors). read more…

Critical requirements must be met at same time / in the same wireless IoT network to guarantee highest interoperability, robustness, security, performance as well as redundancy and scalability of a IoT wireless infrastructure in commercial buildings.

The IP500 IoT Wireless Standards meets these critical requirements for security and comfort applications and enables therefore end-users to start with few applications and add other (even security and safety applications) at a later time, without changing or adding a new wireless infrastructure. read more…

Planning & integration

umlaut is already supporting brand new IoT use cases by focusing on existing gaps throughout industries which IoT solutions are successfully closing. Experts from non-telco industries must now be able to understand the telecommunication world in order to design their robust applications and solutions for the market. Such knowledge gaps can only add to the generally high risk for the early adopters. umlaut enables meaningful end-to-end IoT solutions. read more…

With the IP500 wireless network a robust, secure, scalable and redundant IoT network can be set up. This offers the possibility to address many applications in the field of commercial buildings as well as industrial facilities. The IP500 IoT wireless network is certified for high security applications such as fire alarms, light switches and access control. This requires high reliable communication hardware that is equipped for a wide range of application scenarios. DAFÜR develops therefore three different components to build up this network. For external and interior communication as well as access to services the IP500 IoT wireless network trust on reliable components developed and delivered by DAFÜR. Three components are forming the IP500 IoT wireless network backbone. read more…

The performance of a wireless network for commercial and industrial objects is extremely critical for planners, systems integrators as well as for installers and finally and most important “the end-user”. Independent benchmark tests have proven the outstanding performance of the IP500 IoT wireless network in rang tests (in- and out-door) as well as robustness tests.  These tests have demonstrated and proven the capabilities of the IP500 wireless network to be used as wireless IoT platform / infrastructure for all applications in commercial building and industrial facilities. read more…

Interoperability and a wide combination of various IoT applications in a commercial or industrial building is a important factor for end-users to lower cost of energy consumption, improve security or comfort in his building. read more…

The design and the deployment of a Smart Building ready application allows users to be involved in reducing the environmental impact of the facility through a better energy management system, benefiting from the quality of information transmitted automatically via Smart Mobile applications. read more…