Dietmar Bernert
BIM World MUNICH 2024
- LOVT Vibe, Munich (moderator)
- openBIM4FM Roundtrip bei der Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft – von der Bereitstellungs- bis zur Betriebs- und Adaptierungsphase auf Basis von IFC (moderator)
- Mit KI zur Klimaneutralität: Automatisierte CO2-Bilanzen und nachhaltige Gebäudebewertung neu gedacht (moderator)
- Der Digitale Zwilling – Infrastruktur konsequent zu Ende denken. (moderator)
- BIM and AI: New ways to design sustainable and economical buildings (moderator)
- Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung – was können CAFM-Systeme als Datenquelle dazu beitragen? (moderator)
- Keynote: Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bau – BIM and AI – key factors for ESG and CSRD readiness (moderator)
- Welcoming to Day 2 of BIM World MUNICH Congress 2024 (moderator)
- Marmormolen – Copenhagen’s largest timber construction (moderator)
- ZUKUNFT BAU – digital & kooperativ (moderator)
Dietmar is a strong Advisor in the BIM Industry and member in most of the European Associations active in that development. He worked in one of the biggest Construction Companies in Germany implementing BIM technology and served many years in several senior management positions of
Europe´s biggest AEC Software Vendor. Dietmar is also an experienced senior level management consultant who has more than 25 years of experience in providing solution delivery to “C” level executives and board members across a broad range of industry sectors.
His capabilities include strong understanding of the complete Construction process and identifying the challenges senior leaders of some of the biggest players in the field are facing during their digital transformation.
Dietmar helps to set up digital roadmaps and assists on the execution. Furthermore, he is a well-received Keynote Speaker regarding BIM and digitalization and therefore not without reason the president of the international event of the construction, real estate and facility management industries – BIM World MUNICH.